Nazareth Hospital is situated on Riara Ridge, Limuru, Kiambu West District (about 25Km north west of Nairobi city) and is a Catholic Mission, not for profit Hospital, under the Archdiocese of Nairobi.
In 1964 the Consolata Sisters set up a simple dispensary to meet the health needs of the rural people working in the surrounding tea and coffee plantations.
The Consolata Sisters managed the Hospital up until 1999, when they handed over to the Franciscan Sisters of the Immaculate Heart of Mary (FIHM) to continue with this wonderful healing ministry.
Over the years FIHM continually upgraded the services to the under privileged and now Nazareth Mission Hospital is highly respected with the community it serves and within the Kenya Health Care services. It is well known for it’s Urology treatments, Maternity services and HIV/AIDS care.
During these times of restricted movements due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the hospital has been greatly affected by reduced revenue and thus reduced ability to buy the much needed Personal Protective Equipment (PPE), such as reusable and disposable face masks and surgical gloves.
The Embassy of the Order of Malta to the Republic of Kenya, recently donated to the Mission Hospital, a batch of PPE and given the cold weather, some much needed blankets.
Pictured with the wonderful British Airways Club Class blankets and the boxes of PPE, from left to right are Mr. Anthony Nyaga, Head of Human Resources, Patrick Githenji Embassy Driver, Mrs. Damaris Mburu, Head of Procurement, Chief Administrator Sister Marietta Alfonse, Embassy Chargé d’Affaires Dr. Franco De Paoli, Mr.Sam Mattock, Embassy Diplomatic Secretary and the Nazareth Hospital Chief Medical Officer Dr. James Nyabanda.